When you need to sell your NC house fast, you want to deal with people who know their stuff. Because when an end buyer (like us) knows what they’re talking about, you’ll be able to avoid getting blindsided with incorrect information.
For instance, one of our team members went to meet with a Durham house seller. This house is on 1.2 acres, and the owner was asking for a million dollars.
That may seem like a steep price to charge, but the owner thought it was reasonable. Because his neighbor a half-mile away got a comparable price for his home. So it would make sense that this owner could get a million for his, right?
The only problem is, both these houses are in different zones. The zone the Durham seller was in didn’t allow him to do as much with his land as his neighbor’s, so it wasn’t as valuable. His zone only allowed him to build up to 2 homes on a single acre, while his neighbor could build up to 12.
You see, the zoning dictates what you can or can’t do on your property. This in turn dictates how much your property is worth.
The Durham seller didn’t know what his zoning was. This guy even had a listing agent come out to look at his property, but the agent didn’t know what zone he was in.
So, by the time this seller called us, he believed his property was worth a lot more than it actually was. But, because we know what zone he was in, we were able to give him the facts about how much his property was actually worth.
It wasn’t the news this seller wanted, but we’re sure he would have preferred to avoid being blindsided. If he had come to us first, he would have had a more accurate understanding of his property value before he got his hopes up for a bigger payday.
That’s why, if you are planning to sell your NC house, you’ll want to work with a buyer who knows their stuff.
We are that buyer.
Contact us today to see if we can help you sell your house: https://www.dklbuyshouses.com/contact-us/
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