7 ways we relieve the stress of homeselling

7 ways we relieve the stress of homeselling

Across North Carolina, folks planning to sell their house are stressed. Between offers changing, hosting open houses, and making repairs, homesellers are dealing with a lot of pressure.  If you find the thought of selling your NC house stressful, I’d like to show you...
Why choose us instead of another offer?

Why choose us instead of another offer?

Maybe you can relate to this scenario: You have five postcards in your mailbox from folks who want to purchase your North Carolina house. And we’re one of those five. Since this is our blog, you might expect us to say, “Choose us!” And you’d be correct. But we’d like...
Is this a scam?

Is this a scam?

At DKL Housing Solutions, we call or mail homeowners (especially folks who have distressed properties), asking if we can buy their house. And a lot of times, we hear people ask, “Is this a scam?” To which we reply, “No! We are not henchmen of some faceless entity,...
5 reasons to sell your NC house off market

5 reasons to sell your NC house off market

Picture this scenario: You have a house in disrepair and don’t know how you’re going to pay to fix it. And you need money fast. The answer to these problems may lie in one solution: Selling your house off-market. Selling your house off-market refers to selling your...
Tips for Moving from Your NC House

Tips for Moving from Your NC House

Moving can be a tedious process. We’ve helped plenty of North Carolina homesellers move, and we know it can sometimes be a daunting task.  If you’re planning to move from your NC house soon, and you plan on doing it without hiring professional movers, consider these...
Selling myths (and how we debunk them)

Selling myths (and how we debunk them)

Thinking about selling your NC property? Make sure you aren’t duped into believing some of the home-selling myths out there. At DKL, we buy houses, and we’ve heard each of these myths. In this post, we’ll debunk six of the most common myths, and we’ll use real stories...