DKL Blog
Sell Local: Why Choosing a Local Buyer Matters for Your NC House
You’ve likely heard the phrase, “buy local.” Here’s something else to consider if you’re selling your NC house: “sell local.” Here are a few benefits to selling your NC house to a local buyer...
The importance of going with a buyer who takes out your trash
When you sell your NC house, you may have a lot of junk you want to leave behind. Not all buyers want you to leave anything, but some buyers (like us) don’t mind at all. At DKL Housing solutions, we...
Consider these things if you need to sell your distressed NC house fast
Picture this scenario: You’re in a pinch, and you need to sell your distressed NC house ASAP. You know that putting it on the market would likely take too long to get an offer on it. So,...
5 ways we make selling your NC house more convenient
We all value convenience. It’s something we spend plenty of money on each year. Convenience helps us maintain productive, joyful lives without being dragged down by unnecessary hassles. That said,...
Can I still sell my distressed NC house in this housing market?
Editor’s Note: Selling/buying a house happens between people. That’s why each of these blog posts is written by a person (not an AI robot). While we occasionally use AI as a tool, it is (and will...
Housing Can Be Used for Good (an End-of-Year Story)
To close out the year, we want to share a story that began with a disaster but ended well. It’s also a story that highlights our mission of using housing to positively transform lives. Earlier this...
Own a distressed house? Here are 3 ways to get money for it
Owning a distressed house can be an unexpected burden. Whether it's due to financial difficulties, unforeseen damages, or other circumstances, you might find yourself with a house that isn't...
Stuck with an upside-down house? This may help
Maybe you can relate to this: You’re upside down on your NC house, you want to sell it, but you're not sure you’ll be able to get anything approaching a fair deal. First, you’re not alone–economic...
10 things we do to help you sell your house (or unused land)
If you’re selling your NC house, you’re likely looking for a buyer who will make the house-selling process easier. For 10 years, we’ve been buying North Carolina houses and unused land, all the...